In nature, children can be free, develop their creativity and discover themselves.
It is a place of learning and growth.

It is important to us to bring nature and its diversity as close as possible to the children. In our daycare center, we place great value on teaching knowledge about biodiversity and sustainability. We want to enable the children to have a loving relationship with nature and encourage them to protect and preserve it.

An important part of our program is a visit to a farm. There, the children learn about the cycle of nature, observe animals in their natural environment and learn where our food comes from. They have the opportunity to be close to the animals and understand their needs. These experiences strengthen their understanding of the interrelationships in nature and sensitize them to the sustainable use of resources.

Pets also play an important role. The children learn about different animals, what they need and where they live. They learn that every living creature has needs and learn to respect them. These experiences help children develop an awareness of the importance of biodiversity and understand how important it is to protect animals and their habitats.

Another fascinating topic that we deal with in the daycare center, at the request of the children, is snails. The children have the opportunity to observe snails, explore and understand how they form their habitat and what role they play in the ecosystem. We encourage the children to treat the snails with care and provide them with a protected habitat. In doing so, they learn that every living thing, regardless of size or appearance, has a valuable place in nature.

We want the children to understand that they are part of a larger whole and that their actions have an impact on nature. We foster their curiosity by encouraging them to ask questions and make their own discoveries. By experiencing and exploring nature, we create a foundation for sustainable thinking and action in the children. We are convinced that as the shapers of our future, they can take responsibility for protecting and preserving biodiversity.

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